Sunday evening. Two essays; one due Thursday and the other due Friday. That's about it I guess. This could be a fun, charismatic week or it can be a dreadful, horror show. I guess it depends on me. Yeah, that's it. It all depends on me. Whatever the case may be, do you ever feel like holding work for another day? Frequently asking yourself, "oh, I can do that today, but my mind is not there. I'll do it tomorrow with a clearer and more astute mind," ? I can call myself lazy or I can say "No, I'm not lazy. Everyone does this." However, whatever I may call myself in this case, it does not matter. Through the eyes of a ranger (kick the Walker, Texas Ranger theme!), a friend or some old dude, I can be seen as a lazy adult. However, through the eyes of another I am just as normal as anyone else. Anyways, I do not know where I am getting to or what I'm actually saying. For all I know, we are all lazy, and no one in this world is normal. Nah, I know what I'm actually saying, I just do not know where I am going with this. I procrastinate a lot. So does everyone else. Why am I writing this? What am I trying to prove that has not been proven already? Am I really trying to prove anything? Holy cats, Batman!
Friday evening, I'll probably report some joyful news followed by some dark mood or something stupid. Who knows really? Damn! Am I this bored to be writing about nonsense? About a topic without a point to it really? Ah, perhaps this has all to do with the hype of tonights game 7 baseball game between Boston red Sox and Cleveland Indians. I have been a Red Sox fan for 10 years if that means anything to you. Whoever you are? Who the hell is this? Someone reading my blog either than me? Jesus!
Well, if it does mean anything to anyone out there, I am rooting for the Sox to win it tonight.
Ever get lost in the moment? Doing something peacefully with a goal, or something? And than just flying elsewhere, wondering what was I even talking about? No? I haven't either.
oh well.
1 comment:
Directly contrary to public opinion, I, Rebecca Ugolini, have, on certain occasions, wasted time, procrastinated, put things off, etc, etc, etc. I shall tell you about it.
Some other time.
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