Sunday, April 13, 2008

One More Month

One more. This bloody month is almost over, wooo fucking right. These next 3 weeks are going to be crucial and stressful. Nevertheless, they should be fun. . .fun? (laughs) yeah, right. I have two essays to hand in this friday, one of which I have yet to start, the other only half-way. Ummm. Good? Not good? I know!
Fuck, if the bruins would have won the first two games of the season or, if the refs would have done their job in the second fucking game properly, then I would be filled with enthusiasm. Yeah, enthusiasm. Shit, that sounds fuckin' hip. Hip? Christ, what the fuck am I saying? Who? Atheist? Huh? *Work. Must. Write. Essay. Or. Atleast. Start. The. Damn. Bloody. Fucking. Essay. Period. SERENITY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Woosaah. . . . Woosaah.
Congratulations, you know that I procrastinate a lot. Thumbs up to you. Guess what? You won a prize. . . .*runs*

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