Friday, May 1, 2009

La Culture

Hmm. I am interested in listening to some good french music (not country!) - particularly rock. I do listen to Malajube and some Eric Lapointe at times, but nothing much. Any recommendations? Please, do NOT suggest Celine Dion. I can't stand her. Anyone else, please.


Panda said...

Oh God, can I ever leave you some suggestions. :D

- Les Cowboys Fringants
- La Chicane (or just Boom Desjardins)
- Jean-Pierre Ferland
- Claude Dubois
- Andrée Watters
- Annie Blanchard (I think .. she sings a song called Évangéline, you can find it on youtube and it's about Acadians and the legend of Évangéline. :) )

I dunno why you don't like Celine Dion - admittedly, some of her songs are meh but she has really beautiful ones. Try out: S'il suffisait d'aimer, that's in my opinion, her most beautiful song.

Enjoy :D If you want song suggestions let me know.

Claudio M said...

Tabarnac! Merci pour vos suggestions. I forgot about Les Cowboy Frigants....for some reason. I shall check 'em out.