Saturday, August 29, 2009


Caffeine, caffeine, caffeine and more caffeine. Coffee is something, isn't it? Oh yeah, for some it's a necessity in their life - morning, afternoon, supper, and (for the insane) before going to bed. I am not an addict. In the past I would drink about 3-4 cups of coffee's per week. However, the consumption of coffee during my second semester in University practically doubled. Early on it became 5-6 coffees per week when I went to school (4 times a week) and, say, 2 or 3 the other days. It all began last spring break - what a fucking pointless "break". I had 3 essays to write, including 1 take home exam. Each essay was 1,500+ words. That week, my insane friends, was CAFFEINE WEEK. Believe it or not, I was having 3-4, sometimes even 5 cups of coffee at night (9pm-1am). The amounts of coffee I had that week. I quickly became sick of it.
That's when I decided to stop drinking coffee.
Now, I begin again. Not as often as the good old days. Three times a week at most. However, I must say this Colombian Coffee (by Juan Valdez) is insanely good - sweet coffee bean smell (before water is poured in cup), strong taste (once hot water is poured in cup). It is definitely not one of those cheap ass coffees.
Not to worry, I will not be drinking anymore than 3 coffees per week......until school starts...


*I mean COFFEE*

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