I am fucking ecstatic! Fucking "A." Seriously. I know I should be studying Italian for my upcoming and only exam this Friday, but it is really hard. I just saw plenty of footage on the Guns n' Roses live concert in Taipei, which was December 11 - the start of their Chinese Democracy tour. Holy Shit. Damn. I heard and saw Axl Rose sing live in 2006 (on youtube of course) and I thought he still had some considering not singing live in many, many years. And the fact that at the time he was 44 years old, but let's not forget how he still has a voice after all the yelling in the late 80s and early 90s.
Anyways, I saw a shitload of their live songs in Taipai and I've been blown away. Fuck, Axl Rose still has it. Even BETTER than his voice in 2006. You already know, but I will say it again because I am too excited - I am going to watch Guns n' Roses live in January! :D
Welcome To The Jungle live in Taipei, 2009
Paradise City live in Taipei, 2009
OH, another thing ..... the BANDANNA IS BACK!!! w000000000000000000t
u know, i was just checking out some pics of zack de la rocha and happened to come across yur stuff here, u seem to have very weird similarities to me from all the music i see that u listen to, yur like and wat not the way u feel about zack, revolutionary beliefs some more shit but i guess that just makes u FUCKING AWESOME man!!!it'd be cool if u cud reply to this though hopefully i don't sound like too much of a bored fuck.....but face it ,these days i am!!i bet not for long though so bttr enjoy it while it lasts*sigh*
i don't know how some of that came off but it was meant to be "yur likes and wat not and also the way u think and feel about zack" lol i'm just tooo high sorry
It's great to hear, man!! Even though you are high (whoever you are) it is nice to know that someone out there enjoys the same things (zack de la rocha, revolutions, etc). Unfortunately, I have never seen RAGE live; I would love to one day. That is if they start touring again - this time in Canada. I am also waiting to hear any news from Zack on his solo project, One Day As A Lion.
What is your take on revolutions? Any particular revolutionary hero?
yea......ppl like che guevara! i know it seems like duh, i know she wud've said that, but he influenced me greatly, like i was supposed to be doing journalism but after motorcycle diaries and the argentine, i changed quickly to medicine^-^!my take on revolutions......hmmmm dude,one word NECESSARY! i belive they will always have sides like bloodshed and destruction, but if it doesn't happen, then that's just fucked up! but yea we in trinidad(that's in the west indies) have a real asshole for prime minister and i think in a couple of years the time shud be rite to kick his ass out!u say u like to write poems and wat not, that's so cool, i am almost finished with a compilation book of poems and short stories and sadly i have never seen ratm live either! i was like 5 wen they broke up(HEEHEE)and the recent stuff they did, none of that for me either. but if it's 1 band i must see is them! oh i saw u like cypress hill, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh wen i did that commment so hazed up last nite i didn't even know that and wen i saw it, i was like this dude is completely freakin me out, like wtf, r u a clone or something well a male version lol. well, i practically wrote a fucking book here but it's only cuz i never knew muchless met any1 who has so many things in common with me and it's a shame u say u don't know who i am, we shud definitely speak more somehow.....only if u want to though;)! but if yur who u seem to be, a full conversation with u would be heck of a fucking experience!! again sorry for the book like feel to this thing.
oh and for the record i'm wearing a guns n roses t-shirt as i'm writing, wen i meant it was weird.....i meant it was fucking weird, there has to be something i don't like that u do or something,lolzzzz
From Trinidad? wow n' sweet :)
Yeah a lot of people began liking Guevara because of Rage Against the Machine. That is how I first really heard of him. However, before I started liking him I did some research to see what he did and how important he was. Sure he committed terrible things (execution without trials to name one), but he also achieved more and better good things (freedom of Cuban peasants, equality to a certain extent, encouraged the voice of the people, ... the power of the people). He stood as the symbol of many things such as revolution and the people. But this is a discussion for another day :D
As for Guns N' Roses, I am a huge Axl Rose fan. Not so much a Slash fan. Obviously it is far easier to criticize Axl Rose for the breakup and past troubles, but NO ONE knows the real story. And I do not think anyone ever will. Personally, Axl and the band had their own issues. No one was better and no one was innocent as they say. It was a combination of drugs/alcohol (everyone but Axl Rose) and musical difference (Axl wanted to try new things - songs like November Rain, Estranged, Coma, etc - while the other band members wanted more heavier rock n' roll songs like Back Off Bitch, Perfect Crime, etc).
By the way, how old are you? And what kind of medicine are you following?
oh and another thing, i see u like sports, wat's yur favourite, i am a football fanaticnot american football, it's wat u guys call soccer,i don't know why, but yea and rugby, not girly touch rugby, proper broken bones rugby, and speaking about broken bones, i got a mixed martial arts competition 2nite...so preparing for bloody shit!
ummm, did u get the comment b4 the sports one?
I guess you found something to prove we are not the same. lol. I love soccer (football as you call it). I follow the Italian league pretty damn close. Not much of a Premiership fan. Don't get me wrong, I love goals but I prefer a defensive style (proper) of soccer. Then again, I am Italian. My favorite teams are AC Milan (yeah, we've sucked the past 2 years.... ) and I also like Sampdoria (probably because I am a Casano fan).
On the other hand, I do not follow rugby. Not much of a fan. In fact I do not know much of the rules lol. The main sport I follow is Hockey, followed by soccer and baseball.
Oh, and I am Canadian :) You live so close to such beautiful islands. My goal (in the future) is to teach and visit South America.
i'm sorry did u get the comjment b4 this one? i swear it didn't show.
If you are talking about wearing a guns n roses shirt while rwriting, then yes I got that.
well, i said that i was completely inlove with italy and everything in it(and yes the food had a big part to play),and i do art alot and italy has some trippin shit! so yea, art and soooooo many other things, oh and food(not any pork though,i'm muslim)and even though ac did kinda suck for the past 2 yrs, i still love em but i follow barcelona more........most!! but rugby is really simple, just reverse half of what u know of football......well not exactly, maybe it is a little more complicated, but i'm feeling soooooooooooooo lazy rite now!lol!i played hockey already, with family from ironically canada, and it was rell brutal horse, but fun:)!! i don't know much of the rules and the they don't really promote it down here, hence it's hard to get fucking gear!! and yes......i am surrounded by beautiful places, but trinidad and tobago has the best beaches, no lie, i haven't gone in a while, but man do i miss an early mornin surf!!so which part of canada r u from?? well i'm in much BLOODY pain cuz i just came back form a mixed martial arts competition, but the good news is that i'm in for the semi's!! bones well broken! but seriously, if there's a way we cud speak properly beside the comments, i wud so appreciate that, and there's something i really want to tell u too, but not in comments!(no it is nothing stupid, well to me at least and i'm not trying anything forward...OK) but it's very important within change of a soul, to re-invention of a mind, yea i know...wat the fuck's this bitch babbling about now??lol
oh and check out this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXNoJn5RiqU
(Youtube video) Now, I don't know much about Ron Paul, but I do know that I support Obama. And I am glad that he won the presidency instead of John McCain. I am also not that fond of using Rage Against the Machine music to promote a particular person running for presidency or whatnot. You don't know the person until he takes action. However, I am in full support of using the band/music for promoting justice or drawing attention to something that everyone should be aware of, etc.
One thing that pisses me off (and apparently it is true), is that Americans have used Rage Against the Machine music while torturing people. It is a fact, and the members of Rage Against the Machine said that they are completely against that. It all comes down on how you interpret their music: A) You look at it as political message that seeks justice and awareness of all the tension and abuse in the world and try to make a difference, or B) viewing it as an excuse to do stupid shit in the world. Personally, I go with "A." I don't like RAGE because of the beat, which is itself pretty damn intense. I love the band because of the words/lyrics and Zack's energy day in and day out. O.K I said too much about Rage, lol. In fact, as I am writing this I am listening to Rage Against the Machine :) I know a great chunk of their songs (lyrics) by heart.
I have never taken any martial arts courses, and perhaps a reason why I haven't broken a bone yet. Surprising, I know. Oh boy, I would love to just lay down on the sand and be in the sun right now. It's so fucking cold over here. I am wearing two pairs of socks .... and I am INSIDE! I have never tried surfing, but I will one day. LMAO
Do you have a blog?
well.....of course, i do support obama, i was pissin the neighbors off the morning i heard he had won cuz i was just blasting a rage tune, some bob marley, some low fidelity allstars and nirvana one after the nxt, don't really do that alot, but felt too happy!:)but i agree with u on the whole ron paul thing, cuz, well i don't really know him either, and of course a ratm song is a mix of extreme musical geniuses mixed with gibran styled philosophy, so wen used, shud be used for not only wat is belived, but is portrayed, and wat is true and righteous, so rite now i'm stickin with obama and getting the troops out of afghanistan(got family there geez)!! i hear u do freeze yur ass up there lol, and u shud totally come to trinidad and tobago, the beaches as i mentioned b4 r amazing........the touristy ones r nice but r always crowded, i hate wen yur surfing and there's a dude sticking right up in yur ass!!!!!! but if u want to see real beauty, it's the north coast, never remember any of the bays down there, but that's where i go, wen i go that is........unfortunately! but u shud try it, u weeeeel like eeeeet!lol and i am still very soar from last nite, and have a new outlook on nxt mnth's semi's, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, my aching body!! and i wud hate to think u were outside and wearing socks......wen it is freeezing!!lol. and no....i don't have a blog, all i got is that msn messenger shit, facebook and i think that's about it!! i'm much of a computer girl, i tend to do more nature stuff, and ppl think it's weird i got a pet snake!my dog died a few mnths ago(and no,the dog was not killed and eaten by the snake),so now all i got is patches(the snake's name). u have any of those we cud chat on or something?? oh and rage songs, i never intended to but i guess i listen to them so much they kinda stuck, so i found myself knowing quite a few by heart as well!!! but ulike u......i'm listening to bruce springsteen(he has a special meaning to me at christmas time!), do u like him??
it's supposed to be that i'm NOT much of a computer girl! yea, i usually check out music and what not, and pictures, that's how i came across u here.
oh,do u like metallica, led zeppelin, alice in chains,radiohead, n.w.a, or even any of those?? i just wanted to know, oh well.
a taste of trinidad for yah, i'm really bored so thought i'd show u this!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VeoEmaxjg4
ohhhhhhhhhh, for fuck sake, cud u reply fast!! there's something i'm dieing to tell u!!!!!!!!DIEING!!!! do u or do u not have msn messenger or facebook?? oh dear, forgive for sounded like a jackass on some hardcore speed, but i seriously want u to know something!(tear rolls down cheek.........fuck)lol!!!!yea i may sound rell cheesy.......but as far as i'm concerned she couln't give a flying fuck in space!!!teenage life sucks!!!!!!!
thank you!!!
What's so important that you cannot say here? You seem enthusiastic, but high, too. ha If it is so important to you, then we can email back n' forth. what's your email then?
it's guitarsandroti@hotmail.com
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