Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guns N' Roses Concert: Axl Leaves a Longlasting Memory

Going to make this short and sweet. The Guns N' Roses concert was electrifying and an additional boost of adrenaline throughout the body. The two opening bands (Danko Jones & Sebastian Bach) provided energy (as if there really needed to be with Guns N' Roses playing later that night) and an extra dose of anxiousness (if that is even possible) for Guns N' Roses. By the time both musicians finished it was almost 9:30pm. If there was any flaw that came with Guns N' Roses it was waiting. Then again, waiting/delaying the concert has been part of Axl Rose since he began thrashing and rocking the music business in the early 1980s.
The concert was indeed electrifying; numerous explosions and effects. Fire! You name it. One song after another for 2 hours and 40 minutes. Well, of courses in between some songs Axl Rose spoke to the audience (you can read some of his quotes in the previous blog post. Right under this one). And for those who called (and still do!) Axl fat, let me just say that he was running (as usual) around the stage throughout the concert. Sure he has gained weight. Fuck, he's 48 years old!! He's bound to put on some weight. However, I would not say he is "fat." I would say he is bigger, but more in shape than "fat," if you know what I mean. As for his voice, it was remarkable. Almost as good as he sounded in the early 90s - and that is saying a lot. Sure he is older and his voice is different, which is common. But he still sounds phenomenal and breathtaking. If there truly is a heaven, then this was it. The best night of my life.
A scarf was thrown at him at the beginning of the concert, followed by a bra in the latter part, and finally a Quebec flag during the last song of the concert (Paradise City). Yes, he did take the Quebec flag and wrapped it around himself while singing the last part of Paradise City. He ended the concert with a bang (no, not by having sex on stage). He tossed his beloved microphone into the crowd (those on the floor), was encountered by two lovely women who brought a handful of shots (not sure what alcohol); he then shared the shots to several people in the crowd, the women and himself ... and well, you guessed it - he saluted the fans, the city and drank. His last words were:

"You deserve the truth, but not tonight."
-referring to the decade-long controversy with former GNR member, Slash.

*Keep in mind that I might write more on this in the future.*

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