Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"Guerilla Warfare" by Ernesto Che Guevara

I couldn't help my self, I swear. I tried not to, I really did. It all started with my 90 minute break, which began at 10 in the morning. I walked for ten minutes when I suddenly stopped, asking myself "What am I going to do for 80 minutes?" I paused for several seconds eluding to a couple of conclusions. Hmv? Nah, no music that I need as of this minute. Walk some more? Meh, I wouldn't mind but not for another 80 minutes. Chapters? Well, I don't need to buy any books as of this minute, however, I can waste some time looking at them and being tempted to buy one. Oh, what the hell, Chapter's it is. After about ten minutes of walking to the metro, which took me to Chapters, I walked by hundreds of book shelves and several magazines. None that caught my eye. However, as I reached the second floor I stopped by the Political Science section, in search of no particular book. This is when I encountered books written by Noam Chomsky, so, knowing this curious mind I read a couple of pages from his book, in which the title slips by me. Not long after, I run into a known symbol, figure of the world; Ernesto "Che" Guevara. I see his book, "Guerilla Warfare," and swoop it immediately. I decided to read several pages from the book, as well as the back. This is when I realize that it is 14$, therefore, I decided to buy it. I guess I am a sucker for books, however, I love reading and learning about "Che" and how his actions effected the world, Cuba in particular.

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