Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Right, The Left, The Left

At it again. Should be studying for my Italian exam tomorrow, but I really haven't been able to settle myself in. I know that there is not a legit, or at least a decent excuse for it, but when you have to wait a full two weeks for an exam you do get careless. Not saying that I am being careless - I have been overwhelmed with other "things." Nothing sexual you dumbass! I needed a laugh. That said, tomorrow night brings an end to this OK semester. I say OK because it had its ups and downs. However, it was better then the previous two semesters. :)

Lesson of the day: Do not wear a cap in winter! I walked into the dentists office with red fucking ears. UGH! Paint my face white, add some sparkles, a wig and I would look like a clown. The only place in my house that is warm right now is my room. Yes, I've locked myself inside for the past 5 hours! I need warmth!

I wish I can enlighten your day even more, but I don't have anything else to add. However, I think I will be blogging much more in the next 2-3 weeks. Of what? Who knows? Fun to be 21.

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