Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Corks and Beach

Well, this is my first post of June. *Pops the champagne* Damn, it had to spill all over my fucking pants! So much for a celebration. Ugh! Work is boring. I am bored. I think also somewhat ecstatic. Nope! Oh, I need a vacation in the sun. Badly. Somewhere hot. South. I'm thinking Arby's. Fuck, I'm not hungry I want hot warm weather. Yes, I know I am getting that here. But I need the beach, the sand, the women (yeah) and then, only then, everything is peaceful. For a little while. Little. You know what? Actually, you don't know. I have been thinking about going to Cubs. Ever since last January I have been seriously thinking about it. Unfortunately, one of my cousins (won't mention any names, PIMPIN' J) is lazy and the other seems to be too busy. Well, you know what? Again, yes once again, you don't know. Ok, fuck. Next summer. Next summer. NEXT summer I am going to Cuba (or maybe Dominican Republic, I can settle for that). Again, I do not want to go alone. Pimpin' J better pull that rabbit out of his ass and agree to come along. Oh, I forgot, he is too busy in the shower. Jesus!
So, today - my 7th day at work this summer, seems like forever - was a little more exciting. Just a little. Don't get me wrong, it is still boring. Oh yeah. I was so excited that I started talking to myself in italian and french. This counts for another celebration.*Grabs another Champagne bottle. Slowly takes off the cork. Slowly. POP! Fuck, that Goddamn cork had to hit me in the bloody forehead. Jesus!*

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