Friday, June 27, 2008

GTA 4 completed

That is correct. I have completed the story missions in GTA 4. W00T! This is my first GTA game that I have completed. I have tried GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas, both which I never finished. The main reason why I sucked in those games, well actually I just got stuck, was due to those fucking (plane/helicopter/boat) training missions. Especially the helicopter and plane training missions. I sucked. Ok! I just sucked. The twists and turns. Turn this way, go through those holograms in one minute and so on. A major pain in the ass. In GTA 4 there were not any training missions as those I have finished explaining. Sure there were the learning missions where you had to use a bike, boat, plane or helicopter for the first time, but it was not too hard. I really enjoyed this game. The only problem, well there are two, is that you cannot buy property or invest in a certain property as the past two games, and that this new GTA game felt kind of short (story mission). The story missions (90 of them) did not take me too long. The last mission, however, was a major pain in the ass mainly because I did not know what to do near the end of the mission. No point going into details for those who have not finished the game. Let's just put it this way, I failed about 6 times in the last mission not because I was shot to death, but because I did not make it in time.
I shall post all my stats (the important ones) soon.

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