Monday, January 21, 2008

First 3 classes of the year; 1,2,3 and it's just another bombtrack

"I'm an alley cat,
Some say a dirty rat,
On my side is my gat
See I'm all of that."
--'Hand on the Pump' by Cypress Hill

And that is how my day started. Music and metro ride, what can be a better combination? Well I can think of a million, but that is a story for another day. So, the hell ride began at 6:30 this morning; got up half asleep with a toothbrush in one hand and a bottle of gel in the other. Yeah, I was so close of squeezing the gel tube above my toothbrush, seriously. The funny thing -funny to me, of course - is that I have not used gel for a good four months because I kept cutting my hair short (yes I cut my own hair....with a razor that is). The clock strikes 6:45 and I am on my way to the car. I mean, I assume it was 6:45, for all I know it could have been 6:31. So, there I am in the car with my hands shaking (damn! I wish someone could warm those hands of mine) when I realize that I forgot my Ipod. Thank God, or else my day would have been full of dung. (HA! dung).
It took a good, oh I don't know nor should I know. All I know is I got to the metro, used my week pass to get through the jail cell and entered the actual metro or for those of you who are totally lost for words and imagination, a subway. Ear plugs; check. Full battery; check. Cypress Hill; check. Rage Against the Machine; I don't even have to take a look, check. My fingers at work until I reach "Hand on the Pump," by Cypress Hill. This song, if there is anyone out there interested (which I doubt), is one of my favorite songs by the band. By the time I got to class at 8:30, I listened to Rage and Cypress, while bobbing my head in the metro..subway. Yeah, I must have looked like stronze. Who cares?!
My first class was U.S. History. Well, it was not really a class since the teacher went over the outline of the year's class before letting us leave. Though, it did seem interesting and intensive. This semester will be a shit load of history classes. Ok, so I only have two. Still, history is what interests me the most, but at the same time it will test my passion for it. Anyways, you are probably confused already. The teacher seems pleasant and he did mention that the class will see a 70s movie such as Raging Bull, Taxi Driver or Apocalypse Now. Obviously, these movies deal with their own themes and plots, but they also illustrate America in the 70s.
Second class; War and Revolution. I have been waiting for such a class. No exams, just written assignments (essays, reports, etc). The class will occupy the Iranian Revolution, Vietnamese war, indochinese genocide and some other topic that slips my mind as of now. However, as the class began to fill up with students, I could not help but laugh at the faces I saw. (REBECCA get ready to laugh). Maurice enters the class room, a.k.a The karate kid [huge laugh]. This is the same kid that practiced karate moves in a classroom of 4 students, while emphasizing his thrusts and thick grunts. Then another student comes in by the name of Georgina; let me not get into that one! Then two other students come in, the names slips my mind (what else is new?!). To sum it all up; the "Politics" stronzes have invaded War and Revolution. Who would have thought? Milk and coffee....who would have thought, milk and coffee???
The last of back to back to back class was my least favorite; Money and Baking....i mean Banking. You see Rebecca, you are making me hungry, damn it! The teacher is of Indian decent and continuously speaks and repeats the same damn thing over and over. I understand what a BANK IS!!!! Also, he is quite hard to understand with his thick accent. His english is quite broken and his jokes are dried like those dry-figs. (Crickets). *Bows down, 'thank you.'*
That was about it. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be long and a mild pain in the ass.....a burning pain. HA! As I left the school for the metro, once again, I locked and loaded the Ipod. BAM!!! Here's another Bombtrack.

"But I learned to burn that bridge and delete
Those who a level that's obsolete
Instead I warm my hands upon the flames of the flag
As I recall our downfall
And the businesses that burned us all
See through the news and the views that twist reality

I call the bluff
Fuck Manifest destiny."
--"Bombtrack" by Rage Against the Machine

Yes, swearing is allowed in my blog. You can swear too.

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